Function to compute the (base 10) log ratios of the measurements relative to standard reference values. The default reference and several alternative references are provided with the package. But the user can use their own references if desired.

  ref = reference$Combi,
  identifiers = c("Taxon", "Element"),
  refMeasuresName = "Measure",
  refValuesName = "Standard",
  thesaurusSet = zoologThesaurus,
  taxonomy = zoologTaxonomy,
  joinCategories = NULL,
  mergedMeasures = NULL,
  useGenusIfUnambiguous = TRUE



A dataframe with the input measurements.


A dataframe including the measurement values used as references. The default ref = reference$Combi and other reference sets are provided with the package zoolog.


A vector of column names in ref identifying a type of bone. By default identifiers = c("Taxon", "Element").


The column name in ref identifying the type of bone measurement.


The column name in ref giving the measurement value.


A thesaurus allowing datasets with different nomenclatures to be merged. By default thesaurusSet = zoologThesaurus.


A taxonomy allowing the automatic detection of data and reference sharing the same genus (or higher taxonomic rank), although of different species. By default taxonomy = zoologTaxonomy.


A list of named character vectors. Each vector is named by a category in the reference and includes a set of categories in the data for which to compute the log ratios with respect to that reference. When NULL (default) no grouping is considered.


A list of character vectors or a single character vector. Each vector identifies a set of measures that the data presents merged in the same column, named as any of them. This practice only makes sense if only one of the measures can appear in each bone element.


Boolean. If TRUE (default), data cases are matched to reference sharing the same genus, instead of sharing the same species.


A dataframe including the input dataframe and additional columns, one for each extracted log ratio for each relevant measurement in the reference. The name of the added columns are constructed by prefixing each measurement by the internal variable logPrefix.

If the input dataframe includes additional S3 classes (such as "tbl_df"), they are also passed to the output.


Each log ratio is defined as the decimal logarithm of the ratio of the variable of interest to a corresponding reference value.

The identifiers are expected to determine corresponding columns in both data and reference. Each value in these columns identifies the type of bone. By default this is determined by a taxon and a bone element. For any case in the data, the log ratios are computed with respect to the reference values in the same bone type. If the reference does not include that bone type, the corresponding log ratios are set to NA.

The taxonomy allows the matching of data and reference by genus, instead of by species. This is the default behaviour with useGenusIfUnambiguous = TRUE, unless there is some ambiguity: reference including more than one species for the same genus. For instance, reference$Combi includes a reference for Sus scrofa. If the data includes cases of Sus domesticus, their log ratios will be computed with respect to the provided reference for Sus scrofa. However, a warning is given to inform the user of this assumption, and let they know that this can be prevented by setting useGenusIfUnambiguous = FALSE.

For some applications it can be interesting to group some set of bone types into the same reference category to compute the log ratios. The parameter joinCategories allows this grouping. joinCategories must be a list of named vectors, each including the set of categories in the data which should be mapped to the reference category given by its name.

This can be applied to group different species into a single reference species. For instance sheep, capra, and doubtful cases between both (sheep/goat), can be grouped and matched to the same reference for sheep, by setting joinCategories = list(sheep = c("sheep", "goat", "oc")). Indeed, the zoologTaxonomy can be used for that purpose using the function SubtaxonomySet as joinCategories = list(sheep = SubtaxonomySet("Caprini")). Similarly, joinCategories can be applied to group different bone elements into a single reference (see the example below for undetermined phalanges).

Note that the joinCategories option does not remove the distinction between the different bone types in the data, just indicates that for any of them the log ratios must be computed from the same reference.

Using the taxonomy, the presence of cases identified by higher taxonomic ranks are also automatically detected. For instance, if some partially identified cases have been recorded as "Ovis/Capra", this is recognized to denote the tribe Caprini, which includes several possible species. Then a warning is given informing the user of the detection of these cases and of the option to use any of the corresponding species in the reference by using the argument joinCategories (unless this has been already done).

There are some measures that, for most usual taxa, are restricted to a subset of bones. For instance, for Bos, Ovis, Capra, and Sus, the measure GLl is only relevant for the astragalus, while GL is not applicable to it. Thus, there cannot be any ambiguity between both measures since they can be identified by the bone element. This justifies that some users have simplified datasets where a single column records indistinctly GL or GLl. The optional parameter mergedMeasures facilitates the processing of this type of simplified dataset. For the alluded example, mergedMeasures = list(c("GL", "GLl")) automatically selects, for each bone element, the corresponding measure present in the reference.

Observe that if mergedMeasures is set to non mutually exclusive measures, the behaviour is unpredictable.


## Read an example dataset:
dataFile <- system.file("extdata", "dataValenzuelaLamas2008.csv.gz",
dataExample <- utils::read.csv2(dataFile,
                                na.strings = "",
                                encoding = "UTF-8")
## For illustration purposes we keep now only a subset of cases to make
## the example run sufficiently fast.
## Avoid this step if you want to process the full example dataset.
dataExample <- dataExample[1:400, ]
## We can observe the first lines (excluding some columns for visibility):
head(dataExample)[, -c(6:20,32:64)]
#>   Site N.inv    UE Especie       Os   GL    Bp   Dp   SD   DD   Bd   Dd   BT
#> 1  ALP  4918 10364    bota    1 fal 54.0  31.3 30.6 28.1 26.3 27.5 20.0   NA
#> 2  ALP  4919 10364    bota    1 fal 54.5  27.9 31.8 26.0 22.8 25.3 19.5   NA
#> 3  ALP  3453 10410    ovar 1fal ant 27.1   9.9 12.3 17.9  9.0  9.0   NA   NA
#> 4  ALP  3455 10410    ovar 1fal ant 27.6   9.6 12.2  7.6  8.9  8.3   NA   NA
#> 5  ALP  4245  7036    cahi      hum   NA 128.3   NA 12.9   NA 27.4 26.6 23.6
#> 6  ALP  4674 10227    cahi      hum   NA    NA   NA   NA   NA 26.0 25.7 22.3
#>   GLc BFd Dl
#> 1  NA  NA NA
#> 2  NA  NA NA
#> 3  NA  NA NA
#> 4  NA  NA NA
#> 5  NA  NA NA
#> 6  NA  NA NA

## Compute the log-ratios with respect to the default reference in the
## package zoolog:
dataExampleWithLogs <- LogRatios(dataExample)
#> Warning: Reference for Sus scrofa used for cases of Sus domesticus.
#>    Reference for Sus scrofa used for cases of Sus.
#>    Set useGenusIfUnambiguous to FALSE if this behaviour is not desired.
#> Warning: Data includes some cases recorded as
#>     * Caprini (which is a Tribe)
#>       for which the reference for Ovis aries or Capra hircus could be used.
#>    Set joinCategories as appropriate if you want to use any of them.
## The output data frame include new columns with the log-ratios of the
## present measurements, in both data and reference, with a "log" prefix:
head(dataExampleWithLogs)[, -c(6:20,32:64)]
#>   Site N.inv    UE Especie       Os   GL    Bp   Dp   SD   DD   Bd   Dd   BT
#> 1  ALP  4918 10364    bota    1 fal 54.0  31.3 30.6 28.1 26.3 27.5 20.0   NA
#> 2  ALP  4919 10364    bota    1 fal 54.5  27.9 31.8 26.0 22.8 25.3 19.5   NA
#> 3  ALP  3453 10410    ovar 1fal ant 27.1   9.9 12.3 17.9  9.0  9.0   NA   NA
#> 4  ALP  3455 10410    ovar 1fal ant 27.6   9.6 12.2  7.6  8.9  8.3   NA   NA
#> 5  ALP  4245  7036    cahi      hum   NA 128.3   NA 12.9   NA 27.4 26.6 23.6
#> 6  ALP  4674 10227    cahi      hum   NA    NA   NA   NA   NA 26.0 25.7 22.3
#>   GLc BFd Dl logGL       logBp       logDp      logSD       logBd       logDd
#> 1  NA  NA NA    NA          NA          NA         NA          NA          NA
#> 2  NA  NA NA    NA          NA          NA         NA          NA          NA
#> 3  NA  NA NA    NA -0.07991177 -0.07265930  0.2629585 -0.08911977          NA
#> 4  NA  NA NA    NA -0.09327573 -0.07620458 -0.1090810 -0.12428419          NA
#> 5  NA  NA NA    NA  0.40167955          NA -0.2116296 -0.15130497 -0.06787875
#> 6  NA  NA NA    NA          NA          NA         NA -0.17408218 -0.08282727
#>   logBT logGLc logBFd logDl logGB logSLC logGLP logBG logLG logDPA logBPC logLA
#> 1    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA
#> 2    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA
#> 3    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA
#> 4    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA
#> 5    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA
#> 6    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA
#>   logLAR logSH logSB logL logH
#> 1     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 2     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 3     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 4     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 5     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 6     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA

## Compute the log-ratios with respect to a different reference:
dataExampleWithLogs2 <- LogRatios(dataExample, ref = reference$Basel)
#> Warning: Reference for Ovis orientalis used for cases of Ovis aries.
#>    Reference for Sus scrofa used for cases of Sus domesticus.
#>    Reference for Sus scrofa used for cases of Sus.
#>    Set useGenusIfUnambiguous to FALSE if this behaviour is not desired.
#> Warning: Data includes some cases recorded as
#>     * Caprini (which is a Tribe)
#>       for which the reference for Ovis orientalis or Capra hircus could be used.
#>    Set joinCategories as appropriate if you want to use any of them.
head(dataExampleWithLogs2)[, -c(6:20,32:64)]
#>   Site N.inv    UE Especie       Os   GL    Bp   Dp   SD   DD   Bd   Dd   BT
#> 1  ALP  4918 10364    bota    1 fal 54.0  31.3 30.6 28.1 26.3 27.5 20.0   NA
#> 2  ALP  4919 10364    bota    1 fal 54.5  27.9 31.8 26.0 22.8 25.3 19.5   NA
#> 3  ALP  3453 10410    ovar 1fal ant 27.1   9.9 12.3 17.9  9.0  9.0   NA   NA
#> 4  ALP  3455 10410    ovar 1fal ant 27.6   9.6 12.2  7.6  8.9  8.3   NA   NA
#> 5  ALP  4245  7036    cahi      hum   NA 128.3   NA 12.9   NA 27.4 26.6 23.6
#> 6  ALP  4674 10227    cahi      hum   NA    NA   NA   NA   NA 26.0 25.7 22.3
#>   GLc BFd Dl logGL logBp      logSD logDD       logBd      logBT logBFd logDl
#> 1  NA  NA NA    NA    NA         NA    NA          NA         NA     NA    NA
#> 2  NA  NA NA    NA    NA         NA    NA          NA         NA     NA    NA
#> 3  NA  NA NA    NA    NA         NA    NA          NA         NA     NA    NA
#> 4  NA  NA NA    NA    NA         NA    NA          NA         NA     NA    NA
#> 5  NA  NA NA    NA    NA -0.2064284    NA -0.09308922 -0.1260874     NA    NA
#> 6  NA  NA NA    NA    NA         NA    NA -0.11586643 -0.1506945     NA    NA
#>   logGB logSLC logGLP logBG logLG logDPA logBPC logLA logLAR logSH
#> 1    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA     NA    NA
#> 2    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA     NA    NA
#> 3    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA     NA    NA
#> 4    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA     NA    NA
#> 5    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA     NA    NA
#> 6    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA     NA    NA

## Define an altenative reference combining differently the references'
## database:
refComb <- list(cattle = "Nieto", sheep = "Davis", Goat = "Clutton",
                pig = "Albarella", redDeer = "Basel")
userReference <- AssembleReference(refComb)
## Compute the log-ratios with respect to this alternative reference:
dataExampleWithLogs3 <- LogRatios(dataExample, ref = userReference)
#> Warning: Reference for Sus domesticus used for cases of Sus.
#>    Set useGenusIfUnambiguous to FALSE if this behaviour is not desired.
#> Warning: Data includes some cases recorded as
#>     * Caprini (which is a Tribe)
#>       for which the reference for Ovis aries or Capra hircus could be used.
#>    Set joinCategories as appropriate if you want to use any of them.

## We can be interested in including the first and second phalanges without
## anterior-posterior identification ("phal 1" and "phal 2"), by computing
## their log ratios with respect to the reference of the corresponding
## anterior phalanges ("phal 1 ant" and "phal 2 ant", respectively).
## For this we use the optional argument joinCategories:
categoriesPhalAnt <- list('phal 1 ant' = c("phal 1 ant", "phal 1"),
                          'phal 2 ant' = c("phal 2 ant", "phal 2"))
dataExampleWithLogs4 <- LogRatios(dataExample,
                                  joinCategories = categoriesPhalAnt)
#> Warning: Reference for Sus scrofa used for cases of Sus domesticus.
#>    Reference for Sus scrofa used for cases of Sus.
#>    Set useGenusIfUnambiguous to FALSE if this behaviour is not desired.
#> Warning: Data includes some cases recorded as
#>     * Caprini (which is a Tribe)
#>       for which the reference for Ovis aries or Capra hircus could be used.
#>    Set joinCategories as appropriate if you want to use any of them.
head(dataExampleWithLogs4)[, -c(6:20,32:64)]
#>   Site N.inv    UE Especie       Os   GL    Bp   Dp   SD   DD   Bd   Dd   BT
#> 1  ALP  4918 10364    bota    1 fal 54.0  31.3 30.6 28.1 26.3 27.5 20.0   NA
#> 2  ALP  4919 10364    bota    1 fal 54.5  27.9 31.8 26.0 22.8 25.3 19.5   NA
#> 3  ALP  3453 10410    ovar 1fal ant 27.1   9.9 12.3 17.9  9.0  9.0   NA   NA
#> 4  ALP  3455 10410    ovar 1fal ant 27.6   9.6 12.2  7.6  8.9  8.3   NA   NA
#> 5  ALP  4245  7036    cahi      hum   NA 128.3   NA 12.9   NA 27.4 26.6 23.6
#> 6  ALP  4674 10227    cahi      hum   NA    NA   NA   NA   NA 26.0 25.7 22.3
#>   GLc BFd Dl logGL        logBp        logDp       logSD       logBd
#> 1  NA  NA NA    NA  0.048386306  0.008600172  0.08697848  0.02435935
#> 2  NA  NA NA    NA -0.001553828  0.025305865  0.05324551 -0.01185283
#> 3  NA  NA NA    NA -0.079911767 -0.072659295  0.26295847 -0.08911977
#> 4  NA  NA NA    NA -0.093275728 -0.076204576 -0.10908097 -0.12428419
#> 5  NA  NA NA    NA  0.401679554           NA -0.21162958 -0.15130497
#> 6  NA  NA NA    NA           NA           NA          NA -0.17408218
#>          logDd logBT logGLc logBFd logDl logGB logSLC logGLP logBG logLG logDPA
#> 1 -0.006466042    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA
#> 2 -0.017461427    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA
#> 3           NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA
#> 4           NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA
#> 5 -0.067878752    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA
#> 6 -0.082827266    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA     NA    NA    NA     NA
#>   logBPC logLA logLAR logSH logSB logL logH
#> 1     NA    NA     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 2     NA    NA     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 3     NA    NA     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 4     NA    NA     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 5     NA    NA     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA
#> 6     NA    NA     NA    NA    NA   NA   NA